
Showing posts from 2018

The real UFO sighting case : 1952 Washington National Sightings

It's not coincidence that so many people who encounter UFOs also really want to believe in them. However,  buried deep within the U.S. military's own records are some very bizarre, and very well -  documented sightings that have to give even a skeptic second thoughts.  Arey they aliens ???  We are not saying that.  But this case will blow your mind and make you believe on aliens. It was July 19/20,  1952,  the scene was the Air Traffic Control Center at Washington National Airport,  Washington,  D.C. at 11:00 PM eight traffic experts,  headed by senior controller Harry G.  Barnes,  entered the radar room and took over the 8-hour shift. The night was clear. Traffic was light.  They were tracking an airliner a few miles from the airport. Every ten seconds the sweep painted the airliner's new position,  so that there were seven "blips"  on the screen before the first one faded.  Recognising the targets and where they were,  and what they were doing was what t

The unlsolved mystery of Thomas Mantell UFO case

On January 7th,  1948 at 1:45 P. M.  Calls had been coming in to the Godman Air Force Base in Kentucky from nearby Fort Knox about a UFO, Sargent Quinton Blackwell,  chief operator at the Godman control tower,  had just spotted an object himself.  Later he recalled that it resembled " an ice cream cone topped with red" .  The tower crew called the operations officer,  Captain Gary Carter,  and pointed the object out to him. Carter,  in turn,  called Colonel Guy Hix,  the commanding officer. Four P-51 Mustangs of C Flight,  165th Fighter Squadron Kentucky Air National Guard already in the air  -  one piloted by Mantell  - were told to approach the object.  Blackwell was in radio communication with the pilots throughout the event. One pilot's Mustang was low on fuel and he quickly abandoned his efforts.  Air Force Captain Edward J. Ruppelt notes that there was some disagreement among the air traffic controllers as to Mantell's words as he communicated with the

The first alien abduction story :Antonio Villas Boas Abduction

Antonio Vilas Boas  was a Brazilian lawyer who claimed to have been abducted by aliens in 1957.  It was the first alien abduction story to receive wide attention. It also stands as a well documented "physical"  case with doctors examining the effects after his encounters. When Boas was 23 year old,  he was a farmer.  He worked at night to avoid the hot temperatures of the day.  On October 16, 1957, he was ploughing fields near "Sao Francisco de Sales"  when he saw a red star in the night sky. This star approached his position,  growing in size until it became recognizable as a roughly circular or egg shaped UFO. Boas decided to run from the scene but he was seized by 1.5 meter tall humanoids who were wearing grey coveralls and helmet. Their eyes were small and blue and they made noises like barks or yelp instead of speech. They dragged Boas inside their craft. Boas said that he was stripped of his clothes and covered from a head to toe with a strange gel

The unlsolved story of Betty and Barney' alien abduction

An American couple who claimed they were abducted by extraterrestrials in New Mexico Hampshire . It was the first widely publicized report of an alien abduction in the United States. It was shortly before midnight on September 19 , 1961 when a couple named Betty and Barney were driving back to Portsmouth from a vacation in Niagara Falls and Montreal. They sighted a flying saucer . At one point they stopped their car, and Barney got out for a better look. The next thing they knew, they were about 35 miles further along on their trip, and several hours had elapsed. How did it happen ???? Betty began having nightmares two week later of this incident. In her nightmares, she described being taken abroad an alien spacecraft and having medical experiments performed. As a result of nightmares , they decided to undergo hypnosis. In separate sessions, they described nearly identical experience of being taken on board the alien spacecraft by what we now call gray aliens : short

Aliens civilisation on moon

Alien colonies on moon. Is it possible ??? Well science says,  it is impossible to live on moon.  There is no air on the moon.  Not to mention the sad excuse of gravity that the moon possesses.  The temperature of the moon swings 253 degree to negative 387 degree Fahrenheit in a single day and moon has no water. These theory is said by scientists and  written on our books. But reality says anything else. What is that ???  I will explain you some points of moon atmosphere.  Which proves that there is an alien civilization on moon. There is life on moon. ° Moon has no water !! This theory is totally wrong that moon has no water. In 2009 three spacecraft confirmed that water exists on the moon. " We find that it does not matter what time of day or which latitude we look at ; the signal indicating water always seems to be present ". Joshua Bandfield,  a senior research scientist with the space science Institute and look author of the study,  said in a statement f

Real or Fake : Gray alien interview

Forty three percent of all reported alien encounters in the United States describe Gray  Aliens. Gray aliens are extraterrestrial beings whose existence is discussed in ufological,  paranormal and New Age communities and who are named for their unique skin color. A video has been circulating on social networking sites. An unseen interrogater takes interviews of gray alien in a dark room.  Several YouTube channels and people who posted the video,  claimed that it was the part of Project Blue Book and it was filmed in 1964 with the name of "EBE-3". The gray alien interview has been divided into three parts. In the first part,  gray alien told the investigator that he is also from earth and he came here from the future.  He also talked about Nuclear war,  time traveling and the creation of universe. In the second part,  he talked about creation of Universe,  God and the truth of existence. In the third part,  interrogater asked some questions to gray alien about

US Air Force operations on Extraterrestrial Life

There was three projects operated by US Air Force,  which were  - 1. Project Sign 2. Project Grudge 3. Project Blue Book The real purpose of these purpose of these projects was to investigate the existence of UFOs.  But the final reports of these projects were questionable because most of evidence were removed by US Air Force. Therefore the final report always concluded that there is no evidence about UFOs and this is only a myth. Project Sign was the first official formal investigative body concerned with the mystery of unidentified flying objects. It started in 1947 when some army officers reported about UFOs during World War II and Rosswell UFO crash incident happened. In August 1948 The technical Intelligence Division at Wright Patterson and Project Sign decided to make a formal estimate of the situation.  The estimate was a top secret document that contained unexplained sightings by pilots,  scientists and other reliable witnesses.  The estimate concluded that UFO

The unspeakable truth of Project Blue Book

Project Blue Book was one of a series of systematic studies of unidentified flying objects organized by US Air Force. It started in 1952 when communists invaded South Korea in June 1950 and with a cold war tensions escalating with the Soviet Union with a cold war. It was the third study of UFOs by the United States Air Force and the first two were Project Sign (1947) and Grudge ( 1949 ). Project Blue Book had two goals : 1. To determine if UFOs were a threat to national security 2. To scientifically analyze UFO related data It was closed in December 1969 , it had collected 12,618 UFO reports and concluded that most of them were misidentification of natural phenomenon or aircraft , even when some UFO project officers swore that they had seen or heard of it. Some of cases written in Project Blue Book is : The object is identified as a meteorite that is over 100 years old. After examining the meteorite, The final report was that" it is not a meteorite, this item

Men In Black : real or hoax

The movie Men In Black was an international hit in 1997 for showing two secret agents,  tracking down aliens and removing the memories of witnesses that saw them and aliens. But do you know that MIB agents are real..  How???? Or what they do??? Men In Black are dressed in black suits who claims to be government agents who harass or threaten witnesses of extraterrestrial things to keep them quiet about what they have seen. Several people claimed encounters with the Men In Black have been reported by UFO researchers. Some of incidents are here which prove that MIB group is really exists : ° The Maury Island Incident  :-  Harold and his son were salvaging logs on a fishing boat when they saw six flying saucers in the air above them.  The crafts drop molten waste onto the lake which kills Dahl's dog and injures his son. A few day later a mysterious man dressed in all black urged him to not discuss the encounter. ° Dr. Bender and MIB :  Dr.  Albert K.  Bender was a wel

First organization that investigates extraterrestrial activities

Yupppp there is an organization that has been investigating and studying on UFOs since 1960 and the organization name is MUFON. The Mutual UFO Network ( MUFON )  is an American non-profit organization that investigates cases of UFO sighting.  It is the first and largest civilian UFO investigative organization that was established in May 31, 1969,  it was known as the Midwest UFO Network.  But the name was changed to Mutual UFO Network. Who made the organization ??? For those who do not know,  Walter Andrus was the founder and leader of this world' s largest UFO group.  It began when he was out for a walk with his son and spotted a UFO formation in broad daylight in Phoenix,  Arizona.  This happened in 1948. From then on it was impossible to keep him from trying to find more sightings.  He soon found that he was not the only one who had encountered these beings.  He started a group,  one that far more permanent then he could have ever expected. MUFON organization ha

The truth behind Lonnie Zamora incident

On April 24,  1964 at Socorro, New Mexico,  Police officer Lonnie Zamora,  alone in his patrol car was driving behind a speeding car when he heard a "roar" and saw a long narrow funnel -  shaped,  "bluish orange"  flame in the sky.  He thought if it was some sort of lightning or atmospheric phenomenon. But then thought even more rationally, it was a local dynamite shack that may have exploded.  Then Zamora went to investigate that place. He noticed a shiny object that at first he took to be an overturned white car..... Up on radiator or on trunk with two people standing close to it, one of whom seemed to notice him with some surprise.  The shiny object was like aluminium and it was whitish,  shaped like a letter "o" . Zamora only caught a brief sight of the two people in white coveralls. He recalls nothing special about them other than they looked like small adults or large children. Pulling the patrol car over,  he exited to offer assistance but was


" In an Infinite Universe, There must be other life. There is no bigger question. It is time to commit to find the answer. "                   -  Stephen William Hawking There is another proof of alien existence in Earth which is known as Project Sign. So what is Project Sign ??? Project Sign was an official US government study on Undefined Flying Objects undertaken by the United States Air Force in 1948. It was the first government project to investigate the UFOs sighting. It started,  a person who's name was Kenneth Arnold reported that he sighted nine saucer like aircraft flying extremely bright -  as if they were nickel plated and flying at an immense rate of speed.  He also said that they were at an altitude between 9,500 and 10,000 feet,  arriving at the amazing speed of about 1200 miles per hour. He said " it seemed impossible but there it is -  I must believe my eyes." First time public heard about project Sign was in 1956 via the book &q