The first alien abduction story :Antonio Villas Boas Abduction
Antonio Vilas Boas was a Brazilian lawyer who claimed to have been abducted by aliens in 1957. It was the first alien abduction story to receive wide attention. It also stands as a well documented "physical" case with doctors examining the effects after his encounters.
When Boas was 23 year old, he was a farmer. He worked at night to avoid the hot temperatures of the day. On October 16, 1957, he was ploughing fields near "Sao Francisco de Sales" when he saw a red star in the night sky. This star approached his position, growing in size until it became recognizable as a roughly circular or egg shaped UFO.
Boas decided to run from the scene but he was seized by 1.5 meter tall humanoids who were wearing grey coveralls and helmet. Their eyes were small and blue and they made noises like barks or yelp instead of speech.
They dragged Boas inside their craft. Boas said that he was stripped of his clothes and covered from a head to toe with a strange gel inside the craft. They took samples of Boas's blood from his chin. After this he was left alone for half an hour into a room. After that he was joined in the room by another female humanoid. This was very attractive and female. Boas said he was strongly attracted to the woman and the two had sexual intercourse. Boas realized that she was going to raise their child in space. After this, the aliens escorted him out of the ship and it took off, glowing as brightly as it was during landing.
After this strange incident, he lived his life in a normal way, became a lawyer and married. He was the proud father of four children and died in 1992.
But it is true or hoax ??
Some have argued that Boas was a poor illiterate person, so he did it for money.
But was he really poor ???
I don't thik so. His family had a tractor in 1957 Brazil. And after that he became a successful lawyer. It is enough to know that he was not poor.
For about three months after his encounter, Boas suffered various mild medical ailments. A Doctor named Olavo Fontes examined him and concluded that he had been exposed to a large dose of radiation from some source and now suffering from mild radiation sickness.
I think that his story was real. What do you say ??
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