US Air Force operations on Extraterrestrial Life

There was three projects operated by US Air Force,  which were  -
1. Project Sign
2. Project Grudge
3. Project Blue Book

The real purpose of these purpose of these projects was to investigate the existence of UFOs.  But the final reports of these projects were questionable because most of evidence were removed by US Air Force.
Therefore the final report always concluded that there is no evidence about UFOs and this is only a myth.

Project Sign was the first official formal investigative body concerned with the mystery of unidentified flying objects. It started in 1947 when some army officers reported about UFOs during World War II and Rosswell UFO crash incident happened.
In August 1948 The technical Intelligence Division at Wright Patterson and Project Sign decided to make a formal estimate of the situation.  The estimate was a top secret document that contained unexplained sightings by pilots,  scientists and other reliable witnesses.  The estimate concluded that UFO were of extraterrestrial origin but it was immediately rejected by "Air Force Chief of Staff General Hoyt.  S.  Vandenberg" .

It is said that he deleted the strong parts of the original report and sent it back and then when he received the revised report,  he rejected it and ordered all copies were  destroyed. Project Sign ended in early 1949.
I think,   what General Hoyt.  S.  Vandenburg did with the evidence and report,  that was enough to know the truth about UFOs and extraterrestrial life.

After General Hoyt.  S.  Vandenburg rejected the conclusion of Project Sign as being unfounded,  In February 1949,  the project was given a new name which was Project Grudge.  Under Project Grudge,  UFO reports would be investigated by normal unbiased evaluation of intelligence data.  For which the Air Force ran a PR Campaign to promote to the public.  The report of the Project Grudge concluded that there is no evidence to proof UFO existence and it ended in December, 1949.

I don't think,  the final report of Project Grudge was not fair or true.  What is your opinion guys ???

The third Project was Blue Book.  It started in 1952.  Project Blue Book had two goals  :
1. To determine if UFOs were threat to national security
2. To scientifically analysis UFO related data
It had collected 12,618 UFO reports and concluded that most of them were misidentification of natural phenomenon or conventional aircraft.  But the interesting fact was that the strong evidence was not available in the report.  Some of former UFO Project officer swore that they had seen or heard of it but no one could produce a copy of documents,  however,  because the Air Force had all copies burned.

So my question is if UFOs are not real then why did the Blue Book start ???  And if it started, then the goals of Blue Book are telling us the true story of UFOs.

The report of Project Blue Book was dramatically reinvestigated by Condon Committee sponsored by US Air Force.  The report of Condon Committee was very shocking,  the director of the committee,  Professor Edward U.  Condon said that no substantive evidence for extraterrestrial visitation was liable to result and the project was ended in December 1969.

Some researchers and organisations believe that members of Project Blue Book were pressured to identify UFO sightings to calm the public hysteria and the investigation of the UFO sightings were unprofessional and unscientific.
My question is if the existence of UFOs is not real then what about the famous 1952 Washington D. C. UFO incident reported in Project Blue Book and The Roswell Incident,  Thomas Mantell UFO incident reported in Project Sign.
Why did US Government remove the strong parts of evidence from these projects ???

UFOlogy has two histories  : a public one and a hidden one.  It seems that Project Sign was real Project for investigate UFOs. The other two were created for public or reinvestigate the evidence.  But it is also true that final report of these projects were concealed from us.  Government don't want that we do believe on aliens.  Is it true or only a hoax ??

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