The truth behind Lonnie Zamora incident

On April 24,  1964 at Socorro, New Mexico,  Police officer Lonnie Zamora,  alone in his patrol car was driving behind a speeding car when he heard a "roar" and saw a long narrow funnel -  shaped,  "bluish orange"  flame in the sky.  He thought if it was some sort of lightning or atmospheric phenomenon. But then thought even more rationally, it was a local dynamite shack that may have exploded.  Then Zamora went to investigate that place. He noticed a shiny object that at first he took to be an overturned white car..... Up on radiator or on trunk with two people standing close to it, one of whom seemed to notice him with some surprise.  The shiny object was like aluminium and it was whitish,  shaped like a letter "o" .
Zamora only caught a brief sight of the two people in white coveralls. He recalls nothing special about them other than they looked like small adults or large children.
Pulling the patrol car over,  he exited to offer assistance but was immediately startled.  After that he heard the roar and saw the flame again, but this time the flame was under the object and the object slowly rose back into the sky and zoomed off. Zamora went back to his car and contacted the Sheriff's  office by radio.

Well the question was,  was it actually happened or not ????

It was immediately investigated by the US Army,  US Air Force and FBI and received considerable coverage in the mass media. Several independent witnesses reported either an egg shaped craft or a bluish flame at roughly the same time and in the same area,  some of them within minutes of Zamora's encounter,  before Word of it spread.
But some debunkers suggested that this incident was a hoax. But there was also a question  That Zamora was a serious police officer and a man well versed in recognising airborne vehicles in his area. So why he said that ???

What is your opinion about Lonnie Zamora incident ???
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:)  :)


  1. This was nothing more than a hoax to attract tourists to Socorro, New Mexico.
    Mr. Zamora, while basically an honest man, simply got caught up in a hoax most likely thought up by others. Mr. Zamora was only an accomplice and unfortunately a pawn used by others. For certain, NO extraterrestrial spaceship EVER landed in Socorro!!!! And none will land anywhere else either. Ships from outer space are simply a fairytale created for the adult mentality.
    Assuming extraterrestrial life even exists (which I do not) the nearest alien life existing in the universe would be so far away from the earth that a space craft capable of traveling even at the speed of light would have to travel for YEARS to reach the earth. So such a prospect, is next to impossible.


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