The unlsolved mystery of Thomas Mantell UFO case

On January 7th,  1948 at 1:45 P. M.  Calls had been coming in to the Godman Air Force Base in Kentucky from nearby Fort Knox about a UFO, Sargent Quinton Blackwell,  chief operator at the Godman control tower,  had just spotted an object himself.  Later he recalled that it resembled " an ice cream cone topped with red" .  The tower crew called the operations officer,  Captain Gary Carter,  and pointed the object out to him. Carter,  in turn,  called Colonel Guy Hix,  the commanding officer.

Four P-51 Mustangs of C Flight,  165th Fighter Squadron Kentucky Air National Guard already in the air  -  one piloted by Mantell  - were told to approach the object.  Blackwell was in radio communication with the pilots throughout the event.

One pilot's Mustang was low on fuel and he quickly abandoned his efforts.  Air Force Captain Edward J. Ruppelt notes that there was some disagreement among the air traffic controllers as to Mantell's words as he communicated with the tower,  some sources described an object "looks metallic and of tremendous size" .
But the other two pilots reported they saw an object but described it as so small and indistinct they  could not identify it.
Further messages from the pilot were garbled and shortly afterward all contact was lost.  At 3:50 PM the Godman tower lost sight of the UFO,  too.
At about 5 PM the remains of Mantell's plane was found scattered across a farm.

The Air Force investigation determined that Mantell had probably lost consciousness,  due to lack of oxygen when his plane hit 25,000 feet.  The aircraft may have continued to climb till it reached 30,000 feet,  it's limit,  then nosedived.  As it raced towards the ground Mantell may have recovered his senses and tried to pull up, but it was too late.  The forces of the dive were too high and the plane came apart while still in the air.

The Mantell crash was investigated by Project Sign,  the first Air Force Reaserch group assigned to investigate UFO reports.
Captain Thomas Mantell Jr.  was a United States Air Force serviceman and a world War 2 veteran. Mantell was an experienced pilot,  his fight history consisted of 2,167 hours in the air and had been honored for his part in the Battle of Normandy during World War 2nd .

Some UFO researchers said that  he had been shot down by magnetic rays or killed by aliens,  or fallen victim to the extreme radiation emanating from the UFO.
But Mantell's UFO encounter is still listed as undetermined by the US Air Force.
What really happened at 25000 feet is something we'll never know -  Mantell took the events of his last minutes to his grave.
The government explained to the media that it was a weather balloon but I don't think that it was a balloon because Mantell was an Air Force pilot and he knew the technology. 
What is your opinion guys on Mantell incident, please comment and don't forget to subscribe.


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