The unlsolved story of Betty and Barney' alien abduction

An American couple who claimed they were abducted by extraterrestrials in New Mexico Hampshire . It was the first widely publicized report of an alien abduction in the United States. 
It was shortly before midnight on September 19 , 1961 when a couple named Betty and Barney were driving back to Portsmouth from a vacation in Niagara Falls and Montreal. They sighted a flying saucer . At one point they stopped their car,  and Barney got out for a better look. 
The next thing they knew, they were about 35 miles further along on their trip, and several hours had elapsed. How did it happen ???? Betty began having nightmares two week later of this incident. In her nightmares, she described being taken abroad an alien spacecraft and having medical experiments performed. As a result of nightmares , they decided to undergo hypnosis. In separate sessions, they described nearly identical experience of being taken on board the alien spacecraft by what we now call gray aliens : short beings with huge black eyes and smooth gray skin. Between January and June 1964 , under hypnosis, they recounted the landing of the UFO, the emergence of its occupants, their abduction into the craft, and separately experienced medical examinations. This incident was published in many news papers and broadcasted in many shows. Most everyone has heard of the UFO abduction of the Hills.
After the hypnosis sessions, their doctor speculated that Barney's recollection of the UFO encounter was possibly a fantasy inspired by Betty's dreams. But the couple rejected this idea. I also rejected this report because there are some physical evidence which proves that they were right. • First The Star map hand drawn by Betty by memory from one shown to her aboard the spacecraft . She described the alien's star map as three dimensional. Several years later , a teacher named Marjorie Fish read a book about Hills. She then spent several years viewing that star map from different angles and eventually concluded that Zeta Reticuli was the alien homeworld.
• Second the purple dress she was wearing that night, she hung it in the closet. Two years later, after the hypnosis, she got it out and said there was strange pink dust on it. She hung it up again for forty years, when a group of crop circle investigators examined it. They concluded the dress had an " anomalous biological substance " on it.
• Third reports in the Air Force's official Project Blue Book stating that radar confirmed the presence of a UFO on that night at two separate Air Force Facilities in the area, both within hours of the Hills claimed abduction. The first report was from Pease Air Force Base, about 82 miles southeast of Indian Head, at 2:14 am. It was near the Hill's after abduction place. Second report is from North Concord Air Force Station, a small hilltop radar station that was about 40 miles north of Indian Head at 5:22 pm on September 19 . This is about seven hours before the Hills observed their light in the sky at that place. The incident came to be called the Hill Abduction and the Zeta Reticuli Incident. Unfortunately Barney died in 25th Feb 1969 from a brain aneurysm at age 46 and Betty Hill passed away of cancer in October of 2004 . Many researchers think that a full proof plan was made for the death of Barney . What is your opinion guys ??? Is it true alien abduction story ?? And alien killed Barney ??? Share your thoughts with us and don't forget to subscribe.


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