Real or Fake : Gray alien interview

Forty three percent of all reported alien encounters in the United States describe Gray  Aliens.
Gray aliens are extraterrestrial beings whose existence is discussed in ufological,  paranormal and New Age communities and who are named for their unique skin color.
A video has been circulating on social networking sites. An unseen interrogater takes interviews of gray alien in a dark room.  Several YouTube channels and people who posted the video,  claimed that it was the part of Project Blue Book and it was filmed in 1964 with the name of "EBE-3".

The gray alien interview has been divided into three parts.
In the first part,  gray alien told the investigator that he is also from earth and he came here from the future.  He also talked about Nuclear war,  time traveling and the creation of universe.

In the second part,  he talked about creation of Universe,  God and the truth of existence.

In the third part,  interrogater asked some questions to gray alien about when the nuclear war will start,  who will be responsible for this  ???  Gray alien answered the interrogater's questions.

So the videos are real or not ????

It's totally fake.  The video was uploaded in July 2016.  Whitley Strieber is an American writer best known for his horror novels The Wolfen,  The Hunger and For Communion. He wrote an article about this video on 21 August 2016 entitled " Profound Wisdom from an ' Alien Video'  by Whitley Strieber" . In that article he included, " The material presented in this video is consisted with what I have learned in my close encounter experience over the past 30 years. "
He also said that the various copies of this video can easily be traced back to an original upload to YouTube on 6th July 2016 by Canadian Visual Effect Artist " Aristomenis Tsirbas ( Meni Tsirbas) " of MeniThings Productions. Meni is a great digital effect artist. He worked in various movies like Hell boy,  Titanic.

Meni was responsible for direction, animation and lighting of another well known UFO hoax " UFO over Santa Clarita ".
You can see these videos on his YouTube channel which name is MeniThings Productions.


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