Project Blue Book was one of a series of systematic studies of unidentified flying objects organized by US Air Force. It started in 1952 when communists invaded South Korea in June 1950 and with a cold war tensions escalating with the Soviet Union with a cold war. It was the third study of UFOs by the United States Air Force and the first two were Project Sign (1947) and Grudge ( 1949 ).
Project Blue Book had two goals :
1. To determine if UFOs were a threat to national security
2. To scientifically analyze UFO related data
It was closed in December 1969 , it had collected 12,618 UFO reports and concluded that most of them were misidentification of natural phenomenon or aircraft , even when some UFO project officers swore that they had seen or heard of it.
Some of cases written in Project Blue Book is :
The object is identified as a meteorite that is over 100 years old. After examining the meteorite, The final report was that" it is not a meteorite, this item is likely a volcanic bomb or displaced piece of sediment from a glacier " .
This photograph was captured in 1951 in New Zealand. Is it edited ??? What is your opinion ???
The image was taken by Orange County highway inspector Rex Heflin in August 3 , 1965 at Santa Ana California. USA Air Force's conclusionwas that these photos were a hoax but many UFO researchers firmly believe that these photos to authentic due to the results of computer aided enhancement.
An air traffic controller at national airport in Washington, D. C. , noticed some old blips on his radar screen in 19 July, 1952 . But the strange thing was, no aircraft were flying in that area. Soon National Airport's other radar, Tower Centeral was tracking unknowns. The sightings and radar trackings continued until 3 A. M. By then witnesses on the ground and in the air had observed the UFOs.
It was just the beginning of an impossible incident. The next evening radar tracked UFOs. Moving at more than 900 miles per hour, the objects gave off radar echoes exactly like those of aircraft or other solid targets.
In 1966 the Air Force sponsored a project directed by University of Colarado UFO project under the direction of physicist Edward Condon. The purpose of Condon committee was to review or reinvestigate Project Blue Book data. In January 1969 , the committee's final report was released in book form. The conclusion of Condon committee was that there was no evidence of anything exceptionally abnormal in these reports and UFO sightings did not warrant further investigation and the Air Force closed down Project Blue Book at the end of the year.
Some years later a revealing memo of Project Blue Book came to light through the Freedom of information act .
Many UFO researchers feel that the investigation of the UFO sightings were unprofessional and unscientific. The program used poor research methods and research were too eager to label a mysterious sighting as identified phenomena. Some researchers and UFO organization believe that members of Project Blue Book were pressured to identify UFO sightings to calm the public hysteria about UFOs.
So basically the conclusion of this project is not correct.
Yuppp I think yes because they really exist and they are watching us.
What do you think guys ? They exist or not ???
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