Men In Black : real or hoax

The movie Men In Black was an international hit in 1997 for showing two secret agents,  tracking down aliens and removing the memories of witnesses that saw them and aliens.
But do you know that MIB agents are real..  How???? Or what they do???

Men In Black are dressed in black suits who claims to be government agents who harass or threaten witnesses of extraterrestrial things to keep them quiet about what they have seen.
Several people claimed encounters with the Men In Black have been reported by UFO researchers.
Some of incidents are here which prove that MIB group is really exists :

° The Maury Island Incident  :-  Harold and his son were salvaging logs on a fishing boat when they saw six flying saucers in the air above them.  The crafts drop molten waste onto the lake which kills Dahl's dog and injures his son.
A few day later a mysterious man dressed in all black urged him to not discuss the encounter.

° Dr. Bender and MIB :  Dr.  Albert K.  Bender was a well known researcher of UFOs.
In 1955,  he was preparing to unveil a paper that would prove the US government had -  to one degree or another -  covered up proof of UFOs.
He claimed that three man dressed in all black visited him at his home and warned him against pursuing the topic of UFOs any further.  He immediately shut down all his research.

° Dr.  Herbert Hopkins was home alone on the night of September 11,1976 .  At that time,  Hopkins was studying a UFO incident.  The phone range and a Man's voice identified himself as a representative of New Jersey UFO organization and asked him that he could come and talk to him about the ufo case.  He agreed.
Soon the stranger came,  he dressed all black with creepy look. Then the stranger ordered the doctor to destroy all information he had gathered about the UFO case. After that Hopkins destroyed all traces of any UFO material he had.

° Robert Richardson was driving his car at night in Toledo,  Ohio when he hit something which he claimed then vanished. He found a piece of metal that he believed originated from the mysterious thing he hit.
A few days later two men wearing black dress driving a black 1953 Cadillac visited Richardson at his home at 11 pm to ask questions. After a week two other men arrived dressed in black to turn over the metal to them.  They threatened to harm his wife if he didn't get the metal back.  He immediately gave it to them.

° Dan Aykroyd a famous personality was taping a show about the paranormal.  He stepped out to take a phone call when he noticed a black ford parked across the street. A tall man dressed black stepped out of the ford and stared him down.
Aykroyd turned away for a moment and then turned back,  the man with the car had completely vanished.
He returned back to the studio to learn that his show had been canceled and he was ordered to stop filming immediately.

So what do you think about real MIB agents ???  Are they government agents which is trying to hide the information about aliens and UFOs stuff.
I think yes.  What is your opinion about MIB ??
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