" In an Infinite Universe, There must be other life. There is no bigger question. It is time to commit to find the answer. "
                  -  Stephen William Hawking
There is another proof of alien existence in Earth which is known as Project Sign.

So what is Project Sign ???
Project Sign was an official US government study on Undefined Flying Objects undertaken by the United States Air Force in 1948. It was the first government project to investigate the UFOs sighting.

It started,  a person who's name was Kenneth Arnold reported that he sighted nine saucer like aircraft flying extremely bright -  as if they were nickel plated and flying at an immense rate of speed.  He also said that they were at an altitude between 9,500 and 10,000 feet,  arriving at the amazing speed of about 1200 miles per hour. He said " it seemed impossible but there it is -  I must believe my eyes."

First time public heard about project Sign was in 1956 via the book " The Report on Undefined Flying Object"  by Retired Air Force Captain Edward Ruppelt.

Some of the cases investigated by operation sign

° Sign's first investigation was the widely -  publicised Mantell incident on January 1948,  Air Force pilot Captain Thomas Mantell crashed his aircraft near Franklin, Kentucky while in pursuit of a UFO. Captain Mantell was the first pilot to die while chasing a UFO.

° On April 1948,  three experienced balloon technicians at Holloman Air Force Base in New Mexico reported an unusual sighting of two roughly circular objects,  white in color and very high in altitude.

° On 7 May 1948,  two witnesses near Memphis,  Tennessee claimed to have observed 50-60 silvery objects moving at high altitude and in tight formations.

°  A husband and wife driving near Hecla,  South Dakota reported another sighting.  On the evening of June 30,  the couple spotted three small glowing fragments which arranged themselves in the points  of  an equilateral triangle around the light.

The investigation concluded that UFOs were of extraterrestrial origin.
But this was promptly rejected by Air Force Chief of Staff Hoyt S.  Vandenberg.
It is said that he deleted the strongest parts of the original report, sent it back, and then, when he received the revised report,  he rejected it and said that there was not enough evidence to support the conclusion. After rejecting it, he ordered all copies destroyed.


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