Life on moon

Have you ever wondered what it would be possible to live on the moon ????
Well it is not possible yet for humans.
It is because moon has no atmosphere, no weather and no oceans.
Just because Human species may not live at the orbit of moon.  It does not mean that there is no existence of life in moon.
Several people has claimed that there is life in the moon. Milton William Cooper who was an American conspiracy theorist,  a radio broadcaster and author said that some Apollo astronauts had seen UFOs on the side of the moon but they were told to keep quiet about aliens and UFOs.
Many conspiracy theorists claimed that Armstrong and his crew members saw the living spices in the surface of moon and they used some codes to hide their identity.
Here are the video.

A Youtuber which user name is streetcap1  posted a video on his YouTube channel and claimed that he had uncovered "NASA's biggest secret"

The footage shows, there are buildings or Base camp with in a small space on the moon in the footage.

Here is another footage of NASA posted by streetcap1 where he has said that there is village or colonies in the moon where aliens live.

If a civilisation is alive on moon then the question is why are they not contacting us ???  Or they contacted but NASA does not want to know their existence.
Are they advance from us ??  And the most important question is coming in my mind that our moon neighbours will good or bad for us ??
What is your opinion about this ??  Share with us.
According to a NASA study in 1962, the moon's inner surface is thinner than its outer one.
So many conspiracy theorist said, " Because the moon is hollow inside, extraterrestrial could be using it as a base to keep eye on earth" .
Well my thought is they are studying and researching on human behaviour and their life and there is laboratory on moon for their research.
What do you think ??
Share with us and stay updated with our blog for information about alien existence.
Because they live and they breath.
:)  :)


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