The reality behind Rosswell UFO crash

This was happened in 7 July 1947,  when William Brazel,  a ranch worker was doing his job and suddenly he noticed clusters of debris approximately 30 miles north of Roswell,  New Mexico.  Brazel gathered some of the debris and then reported to the Sherrif George Willcox about it in Roswell.
Sherrif immediately informed this incident to the USAAF  ( United States Army Air Force)  base at Rosswell which sent agents to investigate the ranch.

8 July 1947, Roswell Army Air Field gave a statement to the press that a flying disk had crashed on a ranch near Rosswell during a powerful storm.
But after some days,  they changed their statement and said that it was a weather balloon which had crashed.

So what happened actually that day ??
An author claimed who wrote a book about The Roswell incident and interviewed over ninety witnesses that an alien air-craft was flying over the New Mexico desert observing US nuclear weapons activity,  but crashed after being hit by lightning.  The number of aliens in crashed UFO is eight where two were survived.  They all had been taken into custody by the government.
So the question is what US government did with them ??
Doing experiments on them or the survived earth - visitors are doing something advanced for US Government ???
Many questions come in our mind but there is no answer of that questions...
US Government knows those answers.
What do you think about Roswell incident and alien existence ???
Please comment and send your great thoughts about this.


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