The mystery behind moon landing

July 20 1969, Neil Armstrong took his first step on moon and had become the first person who walked on the moon.
NASA achieved its goal by Apollo 11 Mission.
Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Micheal Collins were the crew members of Apollo 11 Mission and that's the history we continue to celebrate today .
But did it really happen ???  I am still confused because of it.
Many people and YouTuber claimed that the moon landing was faked,  and NASA produced the moon landing in any studio.  But is it possible or not ???  Let's see

David Groves who works for Quantech Image Processing.  He examined the photo of Aldrin emerging from the lander and explained that there were studio lights visible in the upper left corner in the image.

Well.. Some explained that the lights in the picture could be lens flares.  And my personal view is that is seriously NASA would do a tiny mistake when it have a huge army of experts ???
What do u think ???

° Many have claimed that American Flag was seen flapping and there is no wind on surface area of the moon. Then how could the flag move ???  Yup interesting question asked by the claimers.
But do you know that the flag was designed to wave naturally by NASA engineers and it also has pole along the top to keep it in position .

° There is also another theory that the lunar modules made no blast hole or any sign of dust scatter.

NASA explained that the layer of lunar dust on the rocky moon is thin,  so it was blown away from the landing area by descent engines.  The dust resettled by the time and the astronauts left the module.

° Many claims that there were no stars pictured from the surface of the moon.
It would actually happen because the moon is very bright and reflecting a lot of the Sun's light.  So the cameras could not able to pick them up.

° A YouTuber which user name is Streetcap1  uploaded a video on YouTube and focuses on an image that purports to show a man reflected in the visors  of an astronaut.  Here are the images .

So is it alien ???  And he went there to welcome the astronauts on moon. Hmmmmm but there is no information about this.
It was all scripted by NASA.
Several people believes that moon landing was fake and was scripted by NASA in Area 51 but many does not.
Opinion polls taken in various locations and that have shown that 20% of Americans,  28% of Russian and 25% of Britons believe that the first moon landing were faked.

So what is your opinion about it ???
Please comment and share with us your views and thoughts about first moon landing mission. Stay updated with our blog ..
:)  :)  :)


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