The real UFO sighting case : 1952 Washington National Sightings

It's not coincidence that so many people who encounter UFOs also really want to believe in them.
However,  buried deep within the U.S. military's own records are some very bizarre, and very well -  documented sightings that have to give even a skeptic second thoughts. 
Arey they aliens ???  We are not saying that.  But this case will blow your mind and make you believe on aliens.
It was July 19/20,  1952,  the scene was the Air Traffic Control Center at Washington National Airport,  Washington,  D.C. at 11:00 PM eight traffic experts,  headed by senior controller Harry G.  Barnes,  entered the radar room and took over the 8-hour shift.
The night was clear.
Traffic was light.  They were tracking an airliner a few miles from the airport. Every ten seconds the sweep painted the airliner's new position,  so that there were seven "blips"  on the screen before the first one faded.  Recognising the targets and where they were,  and what they were doing was what these men did every day. 
At exactly 11:40 pm   seven sharp blips suddenly appeared on the scope. 
Similar blips were sighted by radar operators at Andrews and Bolling Air Force bases. 
Sometime after 1 a.m.,  National's control tower radioed Captain Air Flight 807, from Washington to Detroit, and asked the pilot if he saw any unusual objects. Captain S. C. "Casey"  Pierman,  a pilot with 17 years of experience,  radioed back : " There is one - -  and there it goes" .
For the next 14 minutes,  as he flew between Horndon and Martinsburg,  West. Va.,  Pierman saw six bright lights that streaked across the sky at tremendous speed,  "They were", he said, " like falling starts without tails" .
Watching the radar blips flying over the Capital and the White House,  Barnes called the Air Force to report unidentified aircraft in restricted air space.  But it was very late on a Saturday night and the Air Force bureaucracy responded sluggishly. By the time F-94  interceptor jets left New Castle Air Force Base in Delaware - -  the runways at Andrews were closed for repairs - -  it was after 3 a.m.
When the F-94s soared over Washington,  the strange blips disappeared from the radar screens at National. The F-94 pilots cruised around the area for a while but saw nothing.  When they headed back to New Castle,  the blips reappeared .
Then,  the next weekend, it happened all over again. National Airport's air traffic controllers tracked a dozen unexplained blips.  Fighter jets were again scrambled,  and on their second circuit,  pilots saw bright lights speeding away from them.

What was government explanation about this incident  ???

Government declared to the press  that visual sightings over Washington could be explained as misidentified aerial phenomena ( such as stars or meteors ) .
But the surprising fact was that Edward J. Ruppelt,  the supervisor of Blue Book who investigated the case did not attend the conference because His view was different from the government's view.

Across America,  the story of jets chasing UFOs over the White House off the front pages of newspapers.
As rumours spread,  President Trueman demanded to know what was flying over his house.  Soon the federal government was fighting the UFOs with the most powerful weapons.
That seemed to work.  The UFOs never returned.


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