
Showing posts from April, 2018


" In an Infinite Universe, There must be other life. There is no bigger question. It is time to commit to find the answer. "                   -  Stephen William Hawking There is another proof of alien existence in Earth which is known as Project Sign. So what is Project Sign ??? Project Sign was an official US government study on Undefined Flying Objects undertaken by the United States Air Force in 1948. It was the first government project to investigate the UFOs sighting. It started,  a person who's name was Kenneth Arnold reported that he sighted nine saucer like aircraft flying extremely bright -  as if they were nickel plated and flying at an immense rate of speed.  He also said that they were at an altitude between 9,500 and 10,000 feet,  arriving at the amazing speed of about 1200 miles per hour. He said " it seemed impossible but there it is -  I must believe my eyes." First time public heard about project Sign was in 1956 via the book &q


Have you heard about children with their super power ability ??? Yupppp they live around us.  There are lots of kids having different superpower. ° Ainan Cawley  :- Ainan Cawley,  a Singaporean child,  is the record holder for the youngest person to obtain an 'O'  level certificate when he passed the chemistry examination at age seven.  Ainan also gave a chemistry talk at Bukit Timah Primary School in Singapore when he was still six year old.  His talk was entitled "Acids and Alkalis in Everyday life" . Well personally I could not eat myself at the age of 6 and he was giving a lecture on some confusing and chemistry stuff " acids and Alkalis" . Amazing... He has seriously amazing brain. Aidam Kirby  :-  when he was only two year old,  he became the youngest member of British Mensa.  Aidam took the Stanford - Binet IQ test and scored 141 points,  just four points short of genius level at the age of 2. Wow... He became the member of Mensa at t




Mars is the fourth planet from the sun and is the second smallest planet in the solar system.  Over the last century,  a number of mission concepts for such an expedition have been purposed. But do you believe, there is life on Mars. Well NASA has not explained it, not yet. I think NASA cover-up over alien life on Mars. Dr.  Barry DiGregoria which is from the university of Buckingham claims in an interview with a news - paper that the agency's space explorer,  the curiosity rover has snapped what may be trace fossil created  by soft creatures on the red planet. Some conspiracy scientist believes that the space agency could be ignoring the find because of its plan for a manned mission in 2030,  when astronauts will explore Mars in more depth. A YouTube channel "whatsUPInTheSky37"  claimed to have found water on Mars. Here is the image So do you think, there is water on the surface of Mars ??? I think the youtuber is right because NASA also made several an

Life on moon

Have you ever wondered what it would be possible to live on the moon ???? Well it is not possible yet for humans. It is because moon has no atmosphere, no weather and no oceans. Just because Human species may not live at the orbit of moon.  It does not mean that there is no existence of life in moon. Several people has claimed that there is life in the moon. Milton William Cooper who was an American conspiracy theorist,  a radio broadcaster and author said that some Apollo astronauts had seen UFOs on the side of the moon but they were told to keep quiet about aliens and UFOs. Many conspiracy theorists claimed that Armstrong and his crew members saw the living spices in the surface of moon and they used some codes to hide their identity. Here are the video. A Youtuber which user name is streetcap1  posted a video on his YouTube channel and claimed that he had uncovered "NASA's biggest secret" The footage shows, there are buildings or Base camp with in a s

The mystery behind moon landing

July 20 1969, Neil Armstrong took his first step on moon and had become the first person who walked on the moon. NASA achieved its goal by Apollo 11 Mission. Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Micheal Collins were the crew members of Apollo 11 Mission and that's the history we continue to celebrate today . But did it really happen ???  I am still confused because of it. Many people and YouTuber claimed that the moon landing was faked,  and NASA produced the moon landing in any studio.  But is it possible or not ???  Let's see David Groves who works for Quantech Image Processing.  He examined the photo of Aldrin emerging from the lander and explained that there were studio lights visible in the upper left corner in the image. Well.. Some explained that the lights in the picture could be lens flares.  And my personal view is that is seriously NASA would do a tiny mistake when it have a huge army of experts ??? What do u think ??? ° Many have claimed that American Fla

Area 51 Air Force Base Camp or Alien Base Camp ???

Area 51  is United State Air Force Base named Edwards Air Force Base with in Navada Test and Training Range. According to CIA report,  Area 51 has other nicknames like Dreamland and Paradise.  This area is located about 150 miles outside of Las Vegas,  Navada. The rumours had began in 1989,  when a person named Bob Lazer claimed that he was the part of military operation and he also worked on alien technology in a television show. Lazer said that there was at least nine alien space craft at a base called S-4,  near Groom Lake. I think,  government definitely collected that nine alien aircraft from Roswell. Lazer also said that he was hired there to help reverse engineer the technology in the alien craft for US military vehicles and power production.  But government proved Lazer's statement into a white lie.  Lazer replied that government was trying to erase his existence to discredit him on his defence. And we all know that it's not a difficult job to proof Lazer wrong

The reality behind Rosswell UFO crash

This was happened in 7 July 1947,  when William Brazel,  a ranch worker was doing his job and suddenly he noticed clusters of debris approximately 30 miles north of Roswell,  New Mexico.  Brazel gathered some of the debris and then reported to the Sherrif George Willcox about it in Roswell. Sherrif immediately informed this incident to the USAAF  ( United States Army Air Force)  base at Rosswell which sent agents to investigate the ranch. 8 July 1947, Roswell Army Air Field gave a statement to the press that a flying disk had crashed on a ranch near Rosswell during a powerful storm. But after some days,  they changed their statement and said that it was a weather balloon which had crashed. So what happened actually that day ?? An author claimed who wrote a book about The Roswell incident and interviewed over ninety witnesses that an alien air-craft was flying over the New Mexico desert observing US nuclear weapons activity,  but crashed after being hit by lightning.  The number