
Showing posts from March, 2018

Aliens Base Camp On Earth

Kongka la pass is situated in the middle of Indo-china boarder, where no-one is allowed to set foot. But why  ??? The rumours are that several fortunate eye witnesses the extra terrestrial activity and both government seems to be in some kind of agreement with the alien inhabitants who have made their permanent spot on earth... To come and go as the please. Here are some proof which clarify that there is an alien base camp in kongka La Pass :- 1. Before 2006,  anyone looking at this area from Google maps would be able to pick up the structure that looked like an army base of some sorts. Some of its even all blacked out. Google tried to explain it away as glitch but we highly doubts that google with all the financial and other resources at its disposal could suffer such technical faults for such a long time. Is this seriously correct ?? What do you think ? Please comment the thoughts that randomly coming on your mind for reading this point. 2. A UFO sighting was repor

We are not alone!!

Believe or not but aliens are real,  the UFO phenomenon is very real,  with approximately 70,000 UFO sighting reported worldwide annually,  it means there are 192 UFO sighting a day. There  are still thousand curious incidents that remain unsolved today, but these incidents are contributing belief that we are not alone. While India is not necessarily a hot spot,  the country has seen its fair share of UFO sighting stories. here are few tales of that... Sunday 3 October, 1954 On October 3, 1957 away from the age of smart phones and digital cameras,  an undefined flying object (UFO)  was seen by about 800 people in three villages named Kadori, Borsa and Mangalda in Manbhum district of Bihar. According to Project 1947, a research group which aim is to document and preserve historical accounts of UFO sightings,  the times of India reported that hundred of villagers came out from their hut to see the strange object,  it came down to a height of about 500 feet above the earth making